Cerveza de Chicas


The objective of this project was to develop the logo, fonts, color, and example product design. The challenge was to develop a logo that distills the brand story into one iconic mark. The small area requires being efficient and clever to embed meaning that is representative of the brand.

My goal for the brand, “Cerveza de Chicas” is to take beer, a product commonly consumed by the male target audience, and turn it into something that includes women in the culture of beer. Cerveza de Chicas gives women the opportunity to make something known to be masculine, their own. — Quote Source

Instead of holding a bland silver and blue can, the colorfully labeled bottles bring life to the party. The flavor of each beer is carefully curated to enhance the taste of its fruity extract that comes from the heart and soul of Argentina. A watery wheat beer will never compare. Each sip taken refreshes.

Beer for women.

Beer from Argentina.


Ivanna Cone Rebrand


Museum Visual Identity Rebrand